This little film was made as a contribution to the "Unser Neckar Kurzfilm Wettbewerb 2019".
And yay: We even won the first prize in the "Group" category.
And yay: We even won the first prize in the "Group" category.
I hope you like this little fairy tale about a princess who lives on an island in the Neckar and has to deal with princes and mountains of garbage ;)
Idea, Directing: Vanessa Stachel
Writing: Vanessa Stachel, Sascha May
Idea, Directing: Vanessa Stachel
Writing: Vanessa Stachel, Sascha May
Illustration: Sascha May
Animation, Edit: Vanessa Stachel
Animation, Edit: Vanessa Stachel
Voice Acting:
Princess, Princes, Neckar Prince: Benedict Lohnert
Narrator: Vanessa Stachel
Princess, Princes, Neckar Prince: Benedict Lohnert
Narrator: Vanessa Stachel
Music: Kevin MacLeod -
Music: Kevin MacLeod -